Lipolytic Injecticon is a non-invasive procedure that requires a series of fine injections of active ingredients into the treatment area underneath the skin which damages lipocytes as a result to reduce fat.
- Non-Surgical: Fat reduction is done by procedure without doing the surgery.
- Targeted: Areas that are usually targeted are hips,thigs, arms, love handels and belly pouch that has stubborn fat.
- Quick Sessions: session range 30-60 minutes or more deopending on the number of the area one wants to tone down.
- Minimal Downtime: One can easily resume activities shortly after treatment.
- Long-Lasting Results: Permanent results with a stable weight.

Areas which can be treated with Injection Lipolytic
- Jowls
- Double chin
- Axillary folds
- Buffalo hump
- Inner arms
- Small areas in the abdomen
- Outer and inner thighs
- Love Handles
- Tummy Rolls
- Inner Thighs
- Saddle bags
- Heavy Thighs
- Fatty Knees
- Flabby ankles
- Bra Bulges