Nose Job Treatment in Moti Nagar


If you want to change your appearance or change how others see you. Nose job is one of the easiest method to do achieve that.It is a surgery to repair or reshape the nose .it is also named as rhinopasty.

Rhinoplasty is a result oriented treatment that stays for life.

There can be various reasons why one would want to go for can be performed for cosmetic reasons or to correct a structural problem.

Some of the reason why one can opt for Rhinoplasty

  • To Resize the nose (make it smaller or larger)
  • To straighten the crooked nose
  • Rectify the birth defects
  • Repair damage caused by injury or disease
  • Restore the height of a flattened area on the nose
  • Modify the nasal tip
Nose job in moti nagar

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of plastic surgery but requires great precision

Rhinoplasty can be classified into several different forms. These are

  1. Cosmetic rhinoplasty
  2. Functional rhinoplasty
  3. Reconstruction rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is performed through a series of surgical steps each tailored by the clients needs. The process of starts with giving anesthesia (general or local) to the client to make it a comfortable and painfree procedure. incision is made either within the nostrils or inbetween the nostrils. There are two techniques by which it is done open Rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty. The desired adjustment is made and is closed with precaution.

  • Recovery: Recover time varies on the severity of the procedure. Typically takes minimum 1-2 weeks. One might experience swelling and brusing around the eyes and nose. In long term care it might take several months to lower the swelling.
  • Post care: It is very important to take regular followups and take extreme precautions as per recommended. It is very much important to have realistic expectation. Pre and post consultation are very important.

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